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Sound dialog


How about inventing your own instrument? Would you like to practice entering into dialogue through music - with other people, animals, plants, the landscape, all living beings? 

When resonances are found through sound dialogue, social art is created. Would you like to start your own social art project?

People keep asking me how I came up with the ideas for all my different sound objects. It's quite simple – through playing and experimenting with anything that makes a sound. And that's exactly what I'm going to encourage the participants to do. It's not about copying existing instruments but drawing from the infinite abundance of potential sound possibilities to create their own ideas and invent new musical instruments.


Artisanal or musical skills are not necessarily required for the training. What is important, however, are open ears, an openness in the heart and an unbroken joy of playing. In order to grasp all worlds of sound holistically, we need a clearer understanding of acoustics principles, as well as the effects of sound and music on the spiritual and emotional realms. A bridge must be built between scientific and spiritual research.

Resonance is an important topic. Without an understanding of the laws of resonance, it is impossible to build a convincing sound object. In the same way, you can only enter into dialogue if you try to resonate with the person you are talking to. If you ignore this, there will be onlymonologues.

The world we live in is transforming incredibly fast. In the same way, culture must also change if it is to have a purpose in the future. The concept of a stage in front of many rows of spectators, for example, no longer necessarily works. Today we need to explore new paths. 

In this respect, sound dialogue can be an answer to burning questions. When we connect with each other in dialogue, fear and disagreement are transformed into interest and harmony. We begin to sense that the coming together of diversity enriches us and something completely new and healing can emerge.

The two-year training will take place in 5 six-day blocks. In between, we will meet several times in Zoom conferences. The first year will be about developing your own sound object and the second year will be about carrying out a social art project using the musical instruments you have developed yourself.  The cost of the training is 2450€ for the entire period.

Block 1.     15.-20. May 22

Playing is where it starts

Experience the effects of instruments made of different materials (stone, glass, metal, ceramics, wood, bone, etc...).
Group and individual improvisations, listening, trying out, making music, talking, traveling with the sounds, associating colors and shapes.
Develop an understanding of acoustic principles - get to know the 4 factors - material, form, resonance and movement.
Learning by doing.

Block 3.    07.-12. May 23 

Workshop concert

Mutual presentation of the newly developed sound objects and exploration of their sound effects.

Start of the 2nd part of the training: sound art as social art 

Developing an understanding; when does sound dialogue happen? Hands-on exercises. Dialogues with the instrument, the place, the time and fellow musicians.


How to create resonances through music? 

Presentation of various modules. Participants should take part in at least 3 of them.

- Observation of courses for children, disabled or elderly people (free of charge)

- Participation in sound and listening days in nature

- Observation of courses for refugees with a final concert (free of charge)

-     Participation in sound journeys to the Sinai, China or La Palma

-     Participation in listening evenings (free of charge)

Block 5.    26.-31. May 24

The world opens up in dialogue

Presentation and reflection of your individual projects and realisation of the joint final project.

- Sound dialogists exhibit their instruments

- Exhibition of individual projects

- joint final project: i.e. concert involving the audience on boats in the middle of a

Block 2.    06.-11. November 22

The form emerges from the idea

Developing your own instrument

- Drawings at the desk

- Targeted experimentation

- Guidance until the final draft

Building your own instrument

Block 4.    12.-17. November 23

Sound dialogue as a group

Practicing creating sound dialogues. Exploring sound as a carrier wave for other information (sending positive feelings or love, prayers...)

-     Immersing people or places in sounds to make a positive impact (historical places
such as old meeting places, old Nazi buildings or places suffering from environmental pollution)

-     Transforming noise into music with a vacuum cleaner, in an industrial area or by a highway

-   Exchange of ideas about your own sound project 

-     Developing ideas for your own social art project

-     Homework: Carry out and document your own project (via photos, videos, audio
recordings or in writing) or prepare the final project together with me.

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